RNAEditor can be used in two ways. Either you start it with a user inteface, or you use it from the command line. Both methods will be explained below.
Note: Before analyzing your data by RNAEditor, we highly recommend preprocessing steps like adapter and low quality trimming.
Interactive mode
To start RnaEitor with a user interface, simply run python RNAEditor.py
or double click the program symbol on Mac or Windows.
Follow these steps to start you analisys:
- 1 Download the annotation bundle and extract it.
- 2 Set the correct paths in the file configuration.txt inside of your bundle.
- 3 Drop configuration.txt inside of RNAEditor.
- 4 Drop your Fastq files inside of RNAEditor.
- 5 Check the parameters again and Press start then wait for the results.
Console mode
For an overview on how to run RNAEditor, simply run python RNAEditor.py -h
. This will print the following help page.
usage: RNAEditor [-h] -i Fastq-Files [Fastq-Files ...] -c Configuration File
RNAEditor: easily detect editing sites from deep sequencing data
run without arguments to start the user interface.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i Fastq-Files [Fastq-Files ...], --input Fastq-Files [Fastq-Files ...]
Input fastq files (maximum two for paired-end sequencing)
-c Configuration-File, --conf Configuration-File
Configuration File used to read Parameters for