To install RNAEditor follow these steps:
Required Software:
Install following tools to /usr/local/bin/:
- Picard Tools Move all .jar files to /usr/local/bin/picard-tools/ (use version <= 1.119)
- GATK Use GATK version 3.5 with java 1.7, the newer versions are currently causing problems.
- Blat:
- Bedtools
Required python packages:
RNAEditor requires the following python packages:
- numpy
- PyQt4
- matplolib
- pysam
- To install run
sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-qt4 python-matplotlib python-pysam
- Alternatively you can install numpy, pysam and matplotlib by running:
sudo pip install numpy pysam matplotlib
- Unix:RNAEditor.tar.gz
- Mac: RNAEditor.dmg Note: If RNAEditor does not start the first time run
- Source: GitHub
The Security restrictions from Apple are blocking the program at the first start.